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METAFORMAÇÕES Condominiums - Competence and Trust!

choose your plan, ask for an estimate,

basic plan extra plan

Repeated services:

- Administration
- Accounting
- Hiring of common services
- Accompanying the inspection
of building lifts
- Face-to-face service under
appointment, from monday to

Unrepeated services:

- Building works management
- Extrajudicial cases management
- Drafting of the condominium
- Changes in the HP
- 24 h emergency service
- Others

Your condominium can hire any of the plans separately. The basic plan can be combined with any of the extra plan services as in examples below:
Basic plan + 24 h emergency response;
Basic plan + Building works management + 24 h emergency response.

and approve the estimate at the condominium's meeting.

privacy policy      terms of use           clarifications      complaints book      dispute resolution body (adr)

©  since 2004      . eta . ormações